By Brandon Hess, CVPM, CCFP

With September containing National Suicide Prevention Week (Sep 6-12) it is only prudent to discuss this uncomfortable, yet deeply important topic. Did you know that, according to the AVMA Committee on Wellness, Veterinary professionals are three times higher than the national average when it comes to suicidal thoughts/plans? While there are many more staggering statistics that could be shown, let’s talk about what can be done. First and foremost, we have to discuss this elephant in the room. By treating it with stigma all we are doing is making it more difficult for others to ask for help. Would you want to discuss something that others are unwilling to, or you would be afraid of being judged for?

 There are MANY resources available to those in need:

  • VetSupport: As industry professionals, and Certified Compassion Fatigue Professionals (CCFP), we understand the challenges you face daily. While we are not licensed therapists, we can guide you in the right direction to find professional help if needed. We also have many options for education, and can help your practice set up an Employee Wellness Program that focuses on the mental health of your team. You can read more about our Compassion-Satisfaction Accredited Workplace Program (C-SAW) here.
  • Not One More Vet (NOMV): A peer to peer online support group for veterinarians, NOMV was started after the passing of renowned veterinarian Dr. Sophia Yin. This private group can be accessed via Facebook or their website:
  • Not One More Vet Support Staff (NOMV-SS): This group was started through a demand for something similar to NOMV, but for all veterinary professionals. You can find their Facebook page here.
  • MightyVet: A non-profit that supports the industry regardless of what role you are in. They provide a mentorship program, continuing education and other resources for those in need. You can find them on Facebook, or through their website:
  • AVMA: The American Veterinary Medical Association has a whole webpage dedicated to the wellbeing of veterinary professionals. Their webpage contains articles and resources that can be accessed for free:
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • Crisis Text Hotline: Text “HOME” to 741741

While this is not an exclusive list, the hope is that those that are in need will see that there are confidential ways to seek help. While we continue to fight the stigma that prevents many from asking for help, it’s out there. You’re not alone.